--On 7 August 2006 15:28:46 -0400 "Bob Puff@NLE" <bob@nleaudio.com> wrote:
James Ralston wrote:
Choices: [X] Count the bounce against the threshold. [ ] Forward the bounce to the list owner. [ ] Ignore the bounce.
I thought there already was a "Forward bounces to admin" setting. If not, there should be (and derfault should be off). Then, this question should be, "Try to interpret content bounces? Y/N".
It gets messy (and often confusing) combining two selections with one question.
IMHO, I really don't care to try to determine content bounces. I've seen many that give no indication of why the message bounced. The bounce processor I wrote for 2.0.x handles these in what I consider an appropriate way:
- If a user has bounces every day messages are delivered, and this continues for x days, they get canned.
- If a day goes by that messages are delivered, and no bounce occurs, bounce info is reset.
I've been unsubscribed from Yahoo lists because my server rejects illegally formatted messages. That's good enough reason for me to support distinguishing between recipient errors and content errors.
If people bounce a message every day for a couple weeks, I consider their ISP broken enough to warrant unsubscription.
In my case, it wasn't my ISP, or my server that was at fault. It was the message *senders* mail client that was constructing faulty headers.
P.S. Tokio & Barry: please don't forget to have a look at the bounce issue I posted a week or so regarding - that's a nasty one!
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-- Ian Eiloart IT Services, University of Sussex