You are most welcome to do as you wish with Mailmania, rename, fork, rebuild, whatever - I’m not precious about it - it is owned by the FSF and GPL licensed. It might be just a good “first try” and point the way to a better solution.
It certainly would benefit from a cleanup from a more experienced Python developer than me - whilst I did everything I could to make it consistent I have no doubt much could be done to improve it.
As Barry says, Mailmania puts a server layer in front of the Mailman REST API that allows authenticated public access to the Mailman REST server. It uses the Mailman conceptual authorisation model and implements that as a concrete set of authorisation rules.
It also includes an unfinished solution for archiving inbound mail to sqlite for full text indexing and integration with Apache Tika for extraction of text from documents attached to emails.
I apologise for effectively having abandoned it but I would say it is (or was last I looked) fully working with over 700 tests. I just don’t have time to fit it in to everything in life right now..
If anyone does want to do any work on it I’ll do my level best to help them get it running, understand it and problem solve any issues.
I’m working on other stuff but still watching this list so I’ll try to respond ASAP to any questions….