On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 02:52:23PM -0300, Manuel SiMaR Rodriguez wrote:
I need know if exist a function to retrive a admin password like.... oldpw = mlist.getMemberPassword(address)
Unless this changed since Mailman 2.0 (but it doesn't look that way) you cannot do this. The list-admin and site-admin passwords are stored using a one-way encryption technique similar to what most UNIX systems use to store system passwords. This is so an information leak doesn't leak out the list/site-passwords. The member passwords are much less important, and they are stored in a reversable format so they can be mailed out in the monthly reminder (on 'Mailman Day', as some people I know started calling it :)
You can compare an admin password (by encrypting the entered password and comparing it with the encrypted version) and you can overwrite it, but you can't get an unencrypted version of it.
-- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>
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