Chuq Von Rospach <> writes:
if you're doing stuff to digests (like bursting), you should use MIME digests any time tehy're available.
Sure, in theory, but I can burst 1153 digests for reading purposes just fine. The full headers in the MIME digests can be nice on occasion, but for 99% of my needs, 1153 is just fine an is both smaller and faster for my client to parse.
The announce has separate subscribers and also goes immediately to all regular and digest subscribers. Currently those lists are still running under Majordomo, as I have no idea how to make them do the same thing with Mailman. The "easy" answer is to disable digests for announce lists. Since they tend to be very low volume anyway, digest versions are generally pretty useless.
Um, no. Posts to the announce list go to the announce subscribers, the regular subscribers and directly to the digest subscribers. I could maintain a list of additional announce recipients which would be the regular and digest subscribers, but that would be an extra mechanism on top of Mailman, and prone to getting out of sync. Majordomo lets me set things up this way, which is pretty much the only thing keeping me from moving all my lists to Mailman.
I'd also like to be able to do admin regexp matching on the body, but this may already be present in 2.0. I'm still running beta2. Likewise configurable holding or immediate rejection on a per regexp basis.