I just found another solution: django-allauth http://www.intenct.nl/projects/django-allauth/ http://django-allauth.readthedocs.org/en/latest/overview.html https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth
It's a relatively large project. It has 2000+ stars and about 800 forks on github. The other two I introduced can't get these values when adding them together.
About their functionalit quoting from their docs:
- Signup of both local and social accounts
- Connecting more than one social account to a local account
- Disconnecting a social account – requires setting a password if only the local account remains
- Optional instant-signup for social accounts – no questions asked
- E-mail address management (multiple e-mail addresses, setting a primary)
- Password forgotten flow
- E-mail address verification flow
They are basically supporting every OAuth provider out there
They have more signals than the other two projects I introduced. Some of them are:
- when a user signs up
- when a user adds an email
- when the user removes an email
I didn't look at the code yet but I think they are only using emails and not usernames.
I just opened a merge request over at postorius https://gitlab.com/mailman/postorius/merge_requests/91
It includes basic functionality for django-allauth. All the included code should work, the merge request contains info about what still needs to be done. What do you think?