Can we get a mailing list set up to address and escalate mailman <-> cpanel
I am particularly concerned about but from the list there are definitely a whole host of issues
that the mailman-developers would address if we had the correct
communication in place.
-- - +1 416 832 7759
Melbourne Business School FT 2004 MBA Exchange Participant to Rotman
=-----Original Message-----
=org] On Behalf Of Jon Carnes
=Sent: Monday, 22 September 2003 8:34 PM
=To: Barry Warsaw
=Chuq Von Rospach
=Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman & CPanel?
=On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 19:09, Barry Warsaw wrote:
=> On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 18:49, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
=> > > Does anybody know anything about this?
=> >
=> > I've seen people asking about it on ListOwners. I've kept my head
=> > down
=> > because I didn't know what you'd said/done, but it sort of
=sounds like
=> > it's either the cPanel folks trying to blame Mailman for its own
=> > problems, or an ISP trying to blame cPanel and/or mailman.
=I know we've
=> > never explicitly supported cPanel in the mailman projects.
=it seems
=> > like cPanel is the crew to bring this up with, not us.
=> Ah, thanks for the info Chuq. I think you've got the right take on
=> things, except that I'd add this: if the cPanel developers have
=> specific issues with Mailman that are causing them problems, I'd be
=> happy to hear about them, and if it makes sense, to address them. I
=> also wouldn't turn down their money <wink>.
=> Other than that, you're right, we really don't have any relationship
=> with them, which is different than saying we're actively not
=> supporting it anymore (not that we did in the first place :).
=> -Barry
=We've seen a lot of CPanel folks coming here for help. I
=basically delete those, since we can never help them. But a
=few times folks on the list have expressed that we can't help
=them; that could easily be interpreted as "Mailman won't
=support CPanel installs".
=One frustrating item that is expressed periodically is that
=CPanel won't open their source up. It would be nice if they
=would provide some sort of API or if they would release the
=source of their "Mailman widget" that controls Mailman - then
=we *could* help them.
=I'm very surprised that no one from CPanel has approached
=Barry or the developers-list yet. There is a lot broken with
=CPanel that could be made much better with some shared ideas.
=Jon Carnes