Respected Member, Dev Sprint is the best way to collaborate/guide other contributors physically rather than over IRC / email. We invite this community to join and hack for whole 3 days during the conference. Programmers are dreaming of contributing but they are unable to just because of lacking guidance. It will be a proud moment to mentor participants for whole three days and encourage them to be the active contributor for the project. Large contributing guidelines are always hard to digest. CFP is already started. We invite you to submit a proposal here.
Schedule for Dev sprint Pycon India, New Delhi
* Day-I: 23rd September 2016 - Full day
* Day-II: 24th September 2016 - 5.00 PM to 9.00 PM
* Day-III: 25th September 2016 - 5.00 PM to 9.00 PM
Note: If you are reading this mail and you believe referring
interested contributors will help to represent project well, feel free to drop me a mail. I will try to invite them individually. Many Thanks!