Hello, regarding the anti-spam feature in mailman I would like to say that I have almost completed development of a rudimentary classifier implementing Naive Bayes, but I need to train my classifier with some test data and also look into the precision recall. but now I need a labeled dataset to check these,any idea where I can get one?(though I know that naive Bayes is not going to be a good classifier but I am looking at it right now just as a start).
also I would like to propose an idea of my own. Many of us set the
preference in mailman to get all the emails of a day batched together, but sometimes this means we miss important mails(though we get it at the end of the day but we miss the moment)----important to the community, or my own interest, discussion on something I also have discussed upon in my previous mails, delivery of these mails instantly to the subscriber so that he can also join at that very moment may come out to be a very useful feature. Thus person gets to set two options 1.receive batched mails only. 2.receive batched mails with important mails delivered instantly.
please take a look and let me know.
Avik Pal Bengal Engineering & Scieence University,Shibpur github:https://github.com/avikpal IRC:- irc://freenode/avikp,isnick twitter:-https://twitter.com/avikpalme