Aaryan Bhagat writes:
Stephen writes:
Also, you need to think about what happens if the warning fails for some address. Probably you just treat that as equivalent to a bounce in most cases, but what happens if it's a "no such address"? Is that already handled?
For the problem, you mentioned regarding
no such address
, it was something which occurred to me earlier but I had not pondered upon it so much. Let me clearly explain the problem.
What other implementation for this type of behaviour can be implemented? Some pointers are required on this.
If we receive a bounce that indicates that the address does not exist, we should stop sending warnings there. Somebody has screwed up pretty badly, and it wasn't us.
In most cases, this deletion will be valid and intended by the user (or well-deserved for abusing the account). In those cases, the address should be unsubscribed. Questions:
Do we unsubscribe on the theory that it's almost always correct to do so, or do we keep it around and just disable without further warnings in case of resurrection and to associate mail "From" that address with the user? (This has issues in case the address is resurrected but assigned to a different person.)
If the user has other addresses, should Mailman warn them about this situation? (This question also applies to ordinary disabled warnings that bounce.)
If the user wants to migrate the subscription to a working address, can we make this simpler? (Not in scope of your GSoC, mentioned because I thought of it and want it in public.)
Should the address be deleted? It's possible that the user will use this address in From. Technically this is probably invalid (the user doesn't have the right to use that address at all if they can't receive mail there). But I don't see a good reason not to associate such mail with their Mailman user.
Should the user be allowed to post "From" that address? Probably not.
-- Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information Email: turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN