Hi All,
Since we launched 3.1, I have been trying to add more docs in whatever free time that I get. I have mostly been focusing on making Mailman 3 documentation more easily acceible by both users and contributors. If you have any thoughts/questions/concerns about the current state or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to send them to this list or even me personally if you don't want to send it to everyone for some reason.
One thing that I wanted to announce before I start is breaking up mailmanclient from one giant module (src/mailmanclient/_client.py) to seperate class based modules. The current setup works but is huge (1300+ LOC) and that is ok for now, but I want to add docstrings to classes/methods and it would definitely make it too big!
I would love to hear what others think about this.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj