(Mailman 2.1.8)
Probably trivial; probably my misunderstanding. But...
... at the end of "Approve.py" is some code to detect multiple passes through a list ("x-beenthere" etc.).
But "Approve.py" is about handling passwords, whereas loop-detection has no relation to such authentication issues. Shouldn't this loop detection functionality be in some other place, not "Approve.py"? For instance, perhaps in its own, almost trivial, handler?
(I noticed it because I'm writing an experimental sender-authentication scheme as a custom handler modelled on "Approve.py".)
BTW: Overall, as I dig into the Mailman code, I'm increasingly impressed with its usually clean modularisation and its flexibility. So this loop-detection (mis-)placement seems out of character.
Many thanks for a good product.
: David Lee I.T. Service : : Senior Systems Programmer Computer Centre : : Durham University : : http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/ South Road : : Durham DH1 3LE : : Phone: +44 191 334 2752 U.K. :