8 Sep
8 Sep
4:49 a.m.
On 2000.09.07, in <p04320405b5de1e12c264@[]>, "Chuq Von Rospach" <chuqui@plaidworks.com> wrote:
one quick thought: if GLOBAL_HEADER and GLOBAL_FOOTER are paths to files, include the content of the files....
I may try that tomorrow.
That's a good idea. Currently I'm concatenating it with other variables, like the color values that I created in another patch, or the value of MAILMAN_OWNER, etc. It should be done with Utils.maketext(), I guess. But offhand, I don't know whether the values in mm_cfg are automatically part of any available dictionary. If so, that's quite convenient.
I'll be very interested in anything you come up with.
-- -D. dgc@uchicago.edu NSIT University of Chicago