I'm moving this discussion to mailman-developers.
On Mar 30, 2008, at 2:39 PM, Alster wrote:
I have been repeatedly tempted to sum up options of setting up
encrypted mailing lists, with or without using GNU Mailman.As such, only these options listed in my previous summary remain:
mailman-ssls, a Mailman-Patch which has recently been updated for Mailman 2.1.9 compatibility: http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/mailman-ssls/
firma, a standalone encrypted mailinglist server (written in bash): http://codecoop.org/projects/firma/
Additionally, there are these options which had not been part of the last overview:
MMReencrypt, another Mailman patch https://sourceforge.net/projects/mmreencrypt/ no longer maintained
Schleuder, a standalone 'crypto mailinglist' http://codecoop.org/projects/schleuder/ still maintained (according to their versioning system), but last release dates back to 2006
I don't have time right now to look at these, however I would really
like to support some form of encrypted mailing lists for Mailman 3, if
not also 2.2. It isn't possible to add this feature to Mailman 2.1.
If you're interested in working on this, it would be good to capture
some requirements and use cases in the wiki. If you wanted to do a
survey of the approaches and implementations that have gone before,
that would also help. Ideally, some folks would be motivated enough
to start developing some branches in Bazaar so that we can take a
look, with an eye toward supporting the feature officially in a future
Feel free to discuss further on this mailing list.
- -Barry
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