Hello everyone!
Google Season of Docs has ended and the results for standard-length projects has finally been announced. I have successfully completed a project called 'Instructions for Migrating from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3'. My mentors were Stephen J. Turnbull and Abhilash Raj. I managed to create the following documentation:
- What You Should Know Before Migration
- How to Migrate from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3
- How to Start Contributing in Documentation
- Documentation Template
- Quickstart reStructuredText
I would like to thank both of my mentors especially Stephen for guiding and giving me detailed comments and feedback throughout the whole GSOD phase. The comments and feedback were very helpful to me in producing the documentation. So once again, thank you very much for the great experience. I would love to continue contributing to the Mailman documentation.
Anyway, my final project report can be viewed here: https://medium.com/@ariessa_norramli/summary-of-my-google-season-of-docs-journey-6814dd64e8d0?source=friends_link&sk=6385a1b6106b1dc42775f9bbf5b7365e
Thank you.
Best Regards, Ariessa Norramli