On Oct 26, 2015, at 11:04 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
Mozilla https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2015/10/23/mozilla-launches-open-source-su pport-program/ has just announced that it wants to "identify up to 10 projects we rely on and can fund in a thoughtful, meaningful way by December 12th". They use Mailman and if we can identify useful ways they can spend that money to advance Mailman's development and usefulness to them (e.g., paying for someone's time to get packaging or localization to a better state), I'd be happy to take point on organizing that proposal.
I noticed that Mailman is on their list, although they haven't identified a Mozilla contact person for us:
I think it would be very interesting for us to apply, although I'd like to know what they are interested in getting out of Mailman (presumably v3). What would *we* like to do that we can't do because of resources?
Ideas very welcome.
Cheers, -Barry