Hi Barry,
Sorry my response is slow :-)
Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 08:10, Tokio Kikuchi wrote:
Since I took charge of CVS committer this September, I belive we could fix number of bugs, merged a few new small-but-nice features, and the code became fairly stable. And, I write 'fixed in CVS' many times answering bug reports these days. Although I have some new features to be added in mind in a longer time scale, I think it is time to take the schedule of new release into consideration. I would like you the developers to download the current source from the CVS (Release_2_1-maint) and test on your testing/working sites before Barry can arrange the time schedule of releasing 2.1.6.
I'd love to see a 2.1.6 release "soon-ish". I will have some time near Christmas to work toward this (testing, docs, spinning tarballs, updating web sites, etc.). It would be nice if we could get 2.1.6 out before the first of the year. Do you think that's feasible?
It's good to hear this. I think we have enough time to fix a few more tiny bugs and announce the translators for updating their languages.
AS for longer term, bigger new features, it probably makes more sense to start that work on the CVS trunk, targeting a Mailman 2.2 release. Of course, merging the 2.1 branch back to the trunk is going to be a "fun" job.
Yeah, I think I can contribute 2.2 while you are at 3.0. Looking back the design notes, we have already some of 2.2 features in 2.1.6. http://zope.org/Members/bwarsaw/MailmanDesignNotes/MailmanTwoDotTwo
May be we can go forward to requirement of Python 2.4 because CJK codecs are integreted there.
-- Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp http://weather.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/