Barry Warsaw writes:
What would *we* like to do that we can't do because of resources?
That's where I'm blocked. I can't honestly put myself up as a money-sink: I wouldn't mind getting paid for my effort, but I wouldn't put in any less effort just because I'm unpaid. ;-)
Hm ... maybe generalizing Andrew's authn/authz stuff? Mozilla would probably like improved Persona support? Andrew would be good for that and ISTR he's a freelancer.
I wouldn't mind compensating a student even if she/he would do the work for free anyway. But except for Abhilash, I can't recommend any recent student for a project I think is valuable enough to request such resources without at the same time volunteering to mentor intensively. Not enough experience, and the project I have in mind is not an extension of any GSoC project. And I can't really volunteer at this point.
As for Abhilash himself, I think he should concentrate on his graduate studies. There's no problem with him volunteering the occasional half-day to Mailman, but I've seen far too many students seriously hindered in getting the most out of their graduate study by committing to consulting work. I won't oppose him if he wants to do something, but I won't nominate him. (@Abhilash: If you decide to apply against my advice, it's just advice. I'll be happy to support you to the extent I can in your Mailman work or your graduate study, whatever you want to do -- though I suspect I'd be useless in the latter role. ;-)
If somebody else is willing to mentor *my* suggestions: there are a couple of new proposals for DMARC mitigation out there. I would be willing to evaluate them (in the remaining hours) for use in Mailman. Why "evaluate"? As most of you probably know, message signing and signature validation are normally considered MTA functions, and Mailman needn't/shouldn't try to duplicate that functionality. However, with experimental protocols, of course they won't be in production MTAs for a while, so it *might* be worthwhile to offer support in Mailman as a spur/temporary workaround while the MTAs implement the new protocols.
I don't (yet) have a developer to recommend, though.