A quick search didn't find anything, so I'll do a more careful check and if there's nothing I'll add a tracker RFE and a short wiki page of the imagined feature, probably on Monday. Unfortunately, I can't volunteer to implement at this time.
I noticed that we've been getting a lot of posts from users who are being quite diligent about following up on their own issues, to the extent of their knowledge and accesses, but for one reason or another are not using the logs.
Would it be desirable and feasible to send a periodic (options: daily, weekly, monthly, never) activity summary to list owners (similar to the tracker summaries that many trackers send to associated mailing lists)?
If someone's list is having problems, then they could get access via the admin interface, which would simply wrap the text report which would be generated for mailing in an HTML PRE element, making for trivial implementation (once the report itself is implemented, of course).
Something like
Week of May 17-23, 2009
44 incoming messages processed (42 posts, 2 other)
1 message automatically discarded 2 messages held (1 non-member, 1 spam filter) of which 2 messages were approved 41 messages distributed to members 2 weekly digests produced (maximum size reached 1 time(s)) 20 SMTP errors occurred of which 18 posts handled normally by bounce processing 2 subscription requests (probable backscatter)
Abstract of discarded messages
From: hormel@163.com To: resident@whitehouse.gov Subject: We cannot transfer $1 million to you without account information Message-ID: <abc@fbi.cia.nsa>
Abstract of held messages not configured.
Abstract of SMTP errors not configured.