16 Apr
16 Apr
2:52 p.m.
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 10:44:49AM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
PG> Out of my curiousity I submitted a bug into the bug database. PG> It got resolved really fast. I only have two problems. PG> First: Maybe it's just me but I don't really see WHO did close PG> the bug.
It was me,
It's hard to keep secret that I suspected that. :-))
PG> And about the #12: as the original text told the install PG> overwrites the $BASE/templates directory without PG> warning. Since I localized the templates to be able to create PG> localized lists with newlist I wasn't REALLY happy to learn PG> that all of them got overwritten. Of course PG> lists/<listname>/templates don't get overwritten, but that's PG> another matter I did not complain about...
Ah, I completely misunderstood your bug report.
No problem, that's why I tried to reply.
I've moved this back to incoming so I'll remember to deal with it. I'm not 100% sure what the solution should be though.
Possibility#1: create a backup file/directory when overwriting
Possibility#2: keep MD5/CRC/whatever of the 'original' file thus be able to detect whether it was modified or not
cya, grin