I've been posting a big pile of patches on the Sourceforge repository. I think they're mostly stable now. They're largely cosmetic, so in case anyone wants to look at the results, please check out
The "dgctest1" list's archives are public, and completely uninteresting. I'm using the built-in pipermail for now. I'll probably change that in a few weeks to MHonArc. But first, I'll post more patches to drive the pipermail HTML into compliance with the rest of the pages, just to be thorough about it.
All the customization on the site is done it mm_cfg.py or in the templates files. I've attached my mm_cfg.py so you can see the config parameters I've altered. With the default mm_cfg.py and templates, the whole thing looks identical to the current default mailman installation.
In particular, one of my patches converts all the hard-coded HTML in listinfo.py and admin.py into templates. The "tone" of the document on this server is governed in mm_cfg, but the textual content, the "shortcuts" box, etc are in the template. These are configuration options I learned to want with our 1.0 installation.
OK, just wanted this to be out there so people can see what I'm hoping for -- maybe it'll be helpful in deciding whether to incorporate the patches. Any thoughts? I probably should not go into production with this if there's strong sentiment against it.
-- -D. dgc@uchicago.edu NSIT University of Chicago