Hi all,
there's been quite some discussion about signature breaking in indirect mail flows. Rewriting the From: header field seems to be the most popular workaround. Yet, it is possible to undo the transformation that Mailman put in place, thereby validating the original DKIM signature. I have a few questions about this.
That technique is described by the DKIM Transformations draft[*]. It considers a number of reversible transformations, such as adding a footer or adding a mime part containing a footer. I implemented a utility to carry out that task, and it works in a good deal of cases. However, it fails in some cases.
Mailman carries out some irreversible changes, such as rewriting To: or Cc: changing the order of the mailboxes, or rewriting Content-Transfer-Encoding: irrespective of quotation marks and case (for example "7bit" even if the original, signed field was spelled as "7Bit"). I guess this behavior is coded deeply in Python libraries, but would like to know developers' opinions. Is that something that could be fixed?
The second question is about producing a hint to the verifier telling which transformation(s) have been applied to the message. That would come as an additional header field, for example:
DKIM-Transform: footer
or as an extra tag in a DKIM signature, for example:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; (...) tf=footer; (...)
That hint could spare the verifier one pass over the message. Is it something that could be implemented? If not, I'd try guessing, according to this scheme:
outermost Content-Type: | first entity Content-Type: | transformation | ------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ text/plain | any | footer | ------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ multipart/mixed | multipart/mixed | add-part | ------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ multipart/mixed + any other | mime-wrap | ------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ any other | any | non-reversible | ------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+
Does that look correct?
I know that Mailman has many more features that can hardly be amenable to a fixed set of easily reversible transformations. The point is to be able to preserve DMARC for /some/ mailing lists which care to do so. Currently, there are mailing lists which don't do any change, not even subject tags, in order to avoid breaking DKIM signatures. A somewhat Procrustean solution.
I don't think From: rewriting is going to be disabled any time soon. Of course, the original From: must be known in order to validate the original signature. In this respect, I'm hesitant about using Reply-To:. I read in the wiki the original content of From: /may/ be added to Reply-To: or to Cc:. In addition, Reply-To: usually comes after From:, thereby requiring to go back to change already parsed fields. As an alternative, I'd provide for yet another field to be put near the top of the header. Original-From:, say. This may seem redundant, however it serves a different goal. In addition, if the Original-From: is put in place by the original signer, it ratifies its knowledge that From: will be rewritten and its willingness to recover it afterwards.
Is this endeavor completely useless, given that the current settings work well enough? Or could it help keeping a consistent DMARC semantics among participants yearning to do so? I'd be glad to hear your opinions...
Best Ale
[*] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kucherawy-dkim-transform