On 03/05/2016 11:57 AM, Aditya Divekar wrote:
Hi! I was looking around the mailman code, and could not find the functionality for captcha in the mailing lists subscription pages. I think it could be a good feature to implement in the upcoming versions, and would like to know if its a good idea? I also came across the thread - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.mail.mailman.user/74167 and read about the previous discussion on it by some members. Since captcha back then was easier to break, it might not have been a profitable feature, according to the thread. But with the new recaptcha, I would like to know if the stand is the same. The message you mentioned said that it might be because of lacking csrf protection. With django all the forms are protected by csrf.
About captchas. If they are implemented, they would have to be optional in my opinion as they would require signing up for a token with the captcha provider. Or were you thinking about implementing your own service? I'm pretty sure there are django apps out there that add captcha support. It would be a nice addition if it's optional. If it's not I guess it would need more discussion.