From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)
Good afternoon.
[Part of this post was recently sent to the mailman-users list but didn't get a response. So I'm taking the liberty of posting it to the mailman-developers list. I hope that's okay. Thanks.]
I coordinate a whole lot of non-profit projects (promoting free trade and related issues) and for years have been using YahooGroups/eGroups.
I currently have about 200 lists set up with YahooGroups (each city involved in the campaigns has its own local discussion list, hence the quantity of lists.)
For a couple of months now I've been "shopping about" for an alternative list service and I really like Mailman.
However, the main problem I have with it is:
It doesn't allow the subject line and the body of the message to be edited by the moderator before the message is sent through to members.
YahooGroups allows this to be done very easily.
Searching the mailman-user archives I've come across the following patch:
"[ 644129 ] Edit held message header/body" available @
The description says this patch allows "full editing of headers and bodies of messages being held for approval in Mailman 2.1"
From the description it seems this patch *does* make it possible to edit the body of a post. But I'm not sure, does it also allow editing of the subject line? i.e. Does "header" mean the same thing as "subject line"?
Is it simple/easy/straightforward to do the required editing once this patch is installed?
Is there a better patch available for the job?
Is it a well tested patch?
Why isn't such editing a standard part of Mailman? Is it because Mailman's developers think such editing is wrong? Or is it because there's not much call for such a function?
Thank you for any assistance or suggestions on the above!
Best Wishes,
"Discover the power. Of ideas!"