On Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 01:31:45PM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
On Tue., Jan. 5, 2021, 1:10 p.m. Sam Kuper, wrote:
Thanks for reading this far. And if I was mistaken (or out of date) about Postorius requiring JavaScript, I would be very happy to stand corrected.
Having the postorious interface work without JavaScript was one of our original design goals, because of the problems with JavaScript and screen readers. So if it doesn't work without js, please file bugs with specific areas that aren't working. Usability for screen readers and others who can't use js will always be important.
There is JavaScript, but it was intended for bonus helper stuff like "sort this list by this column" and "select all" and should be limited to that (and i think the controls for that were supposed to vanish when js was unavailable)
That said, I haven't been very involved with mailman since I took off time while pregnant, so it's possible the folk in charge have added stuff since I last did an accessibility audit, I think in 2017 or so?
Sorry for my delay.
Thank you for incorporating accessibility into the original design goals of Postorius.
Having checked, it looks like the web pages I was thinking of are in fact powered by Hyperkitty, not Postorius.
Here is an example of a page where JavaScript seems to be required but should not be:
On that page, I see three "spinner" icons. Presumably they are supposed to disappear and be replaced by content or menus. But without JavaScript enabled, that doesn't happen, which makes the page hard to navigate.
Here is another example:
There is a spinner near the bottom of that page. Presumably it is supposed to be replaced by follow-up messages in the thread, but without JavaScript enabled, that doesn't happen, which makes it impossible to read (at least in the web interface) more than the first message in the thread.
Both those pages say "Powered by HyperKitty version 1.3.5b1." So, as I say, it seems to have been my mistake to think that those archives were powered by Postorius. Apologies for my confusion.
So, Postorius might be fine (I haven't checked), but HyperKitty does seem to have some accessibility problems, as the examples above demonstrate. I have changed the subject line of this email accordingly.
No idea if improving HyperKitty accessibility would be in scope for GSoC, but if so, that might be a good project.
Thank you again,
-- A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?
() ASCII ribbon campaign. Please avoid HTML emails & proprietary /\ file formats. (Why? See e.g. https://v.gd/jrmGbS ). Thank you.