Hi Team
I have observed few options those are present in Mailman 2 are not found in Mailman 3 some of them are mentioned below. If the mentioned options are already enabled please let me know where can I access them.
1.We have Bounce Processing as separate option in Mailman 2 but in Mailman 3 I haven't seen that of configuration. Options like "Bounce Score Threshold", disabling the member based on the bounce score etc.., Is this feature is enabled or still under development. If it is enabled please guide where can I access this.
- Send goodbye message to members when they are unsubscribed?. This option also I did not found in Mailman 3.
3.Emergency moderation of all list traffic. (When this option is enabled, all list traffic is emergency moderated, i.e. held for moderation. Turn this option on when your list is experiencing a flamewar and you want a cooling off period.)
I don't know what this option exactly does but I did not found it in Mailman 3. If this is intentionally ignored that is fine.
4.Discard held messages older than this number of days. Use 0 for no automatic discarding.
5.Ceiling on acceptable number of recipients for a posting.
6.Is the list moderator's approval required for unsubscription requests?
7.Should messages from non-members, which are automatically discarded, be forwarded to the list moderator?
I think the above option should be enabled, if it is not enabled in Mailman 3. Enabling this option let moderator or owner know what that non-member has posted.
If the above mentioned features are already enabled please let me know where can I found. I have drilled down both Mailman 2 and Mailman 3 for this feature comparison.
-- Regards Sandeep Kumar +91-9642669192