Feb. 6, 2005
1:43 a.m.
Brad Knowles wrote:
At 10:22 PM +0900 2005-02-05, Tokio Kikuchi wrote:
I was thinking that it would be better to have another text box to input say 'nonmember_rejection_notice' in the admin/privacy/sender page so the list owner can differentiate members and nonmembers.
I think I can find a time to
add a text box and new attribute now. (May be in a day or two)
I've just commited in the developers cvs. It should appear in the public cvs within 24 hours. Please run 'bin/update -f' if you want to test it before the next beta release because usual install will not check the data file version.
(You think me fast? I've almost done this when I mailed last night ;-)