Dec. 23, 2001
6:56 a.m.
"JCL" == J C Lawrence <> writes:
JCL> In 2.1 when used with external subscriber storage (eg SQL),
JCL> will the new equivalent of qrunner request and load the
JCL> entire subscriber DB onto the heap prior to broadcast?
That's really up to the implementation of the MemberAdaptor interface for SQL (but fwiw, I'm not aware of such a beast). Mailman's CalcrRecips module loops through all the member addresses in a list comprehension, but all other information is requested a member at a time.
Note that if it was too expensive for getRegularMemberKeys() to return an in-memory list, it could (if you use Python 2.2) return an iterator object that implemented things in a more efficient manner, e.g. by paging through blocks. I believe that any place where we expect a Python sequence (list) we could probably accept an iterator.
JCL> ObExcuse: Chap on -users asking about millions of
JCL> subscribers.
Cool! :)