I have looked in several list archives for different approaches for Mailman 3 installation, and am trying a few things. I have got a new Debian 8.2 install, and installed the Python 2 and 3 developer tools etc.
I am making a virtual environment in /opt/mailman.
When running buildout, I get up until this point:
[…] Getting distribution for 'djangorestframework>=3.0.0'. warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found under directory '*' warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found under directory '*' Got djangorestframework 3.2.4. Getting distribution for 'django-gravatar2>=1.0.6'. zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents... Got django-gravatar2 1.3.0. While: Installing mailman-web. Error: There is a version conflict. We already have: pbr 1.8.1 but lockfile 0.11.0 requires 'pbr!=0.7,<1.0,>=0.6'.
Any ideas as to how to resolve?
Thanks. Andrew.