Dear developers,
I'am currently setting up a mailman mailinglist with mailman 2.1b5. I'am using the beta because we need the i18n support.
I noticed that every mail send to the mail interface gets confirmed. So a subscription by email results in four messages:
result of subscribe confirm result of confirm welcome message
The subscription to this list resulted only in two messages (confirm+welcome) which is normal for mailing list subscription.
This is way to much and confusing for the average user. I looked through the code, and it is not easy to fix this. Output is send regardless of the result and the kind of message. A first quick fix is to send command response output only if the command fails, but then the 'help' command doesn't work anymore.
Only errors should result in a response mail, and output of commands (subscribe, help, etc) should go in a separate message imho.
Any ideas?