On Dec 4, 2002 at 21:16, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
tough for AOL, though. it throws out a lot of that stuff. The AOL
Sheesh, if they're not going to do email like everyone else, they're not part of the internet. I mean, pulling out headers, come on? Dropping email silently, when *not* blackholed? ::gibbers::
person suggested putting it in the subject line flag area (as in [Mailman-Developers:113]), which is as good as anything.
Okay, but that bloats the subject line more, and will get flames from people who filter on "[listname]" instead of "List-Id:.*listname". Whatever. As long as you don't mess with List-Id, I don't care :-\.
How about adding a line just after the headers, in the body, saying "message x of y"? Or in the footer or wherever Mailman inserts stuff.
-- Satya. <URL:http://satya.virtualave.net/> I need a job! Perl, Apache, Linux, C. http://www-scf.usc.edu/~phanse/resume.pdf WWW: World Wide Wait