Hey! :-)
I hope you're having a great time at PyCon :-)
#104 - Server Error (500) upon login with duplicate email addresses
(we're thinking maybe just turning that into a non-500 error?)
Not sure I can do much to prevent it, it doesn't seem to go through my code at all. And since it's a database integrity problem, a 500 error seems more appropriate. Maybe add a FAQ in the docs?
#127 - Server Error (500) upon signup
This is more of a documentation problem, there's one more command that needs to be run after installing HyperKitty
#128 - hyperkitty/setup.py should require Django<1.11 (Assigned to a sprinter, should be easy)
Fixed already, thanks to the sprinter for closing the bug.
I'll work on the documentation issues, but it shouldn't block you from releasing 3.1.