Hi Aurelien,
We're missing you and Florian at the Pycon sprints, but we have a good group of folks, and we're psyched to release Mailman 3.1 this week.
We're noticing that there are no bugs or MRs assigned to milestone 3.1 for HyperKitty so our question is whether that's accurate and we can do a release, or whether we need to assign some to 3.1 and fix them before the release.
Here are some issues we have questions about.
#104 - Server Error (500) upon login with duplicate email addresses (we're thinking maybe just turning that into a non-500 error?)
#127 - Server Error (500) upon signup
#128 - hyperkitty/setup.py should require Django<1.11 (Assigned to a sprinter, should be easy)
There are also a bunch of merge requests which we're unsure about.
Can you do a quick triage and assign anything needed to 3.1 for HyperKitty?
Thanks! -Barry