Barry Warsaw wrote:
But I upgraded mailman over the weekend (from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5) and only today I noticed that moderated messages generates errors... I think it has something to do with my version of python (2.1 from Debian Stable) not having True/False booleans by default. Dang, dang, dang. It's getting quite untenable to continue to support older Pythons, even in the Mailman 2.1 branch. Given that Python 2.1 and 2.2 are no longer being supported by the PSF, I've very tempted to require Python 2.3 for some upcoming patch version of Mailman 2.1. How much hardship would that impose on folks?
Well, Debian stable doesn't go beyond python2.2, so that would mean Debian users will either need to install python from source or find a backport. It'll take a while before the new stable Debian is released. I don't now the state of other distro's. In my case installing from source would be an option, but I'm not a big fan of it. But what I was thinking, does it really have to be defined seperatedly in every python file which uses it? I'd think there should be a way in python to define it in just one place.