Feb. 13, 2021
12:50 p.m.
Hi everyone and Abhilash in particular :)
I've faced a case when Hypirkitty is unable to chain messages into a thread: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/
(See messages with the subject "WLUG Meeting Feb 11th 2021! Topic: Good question!".)
It's a quite disappointment as GMail does show them correctly - as a single thread.
As per my small investigation, a subscriber Robert N. Evans seems to have "In-Reply-To" headers stripped from the messages that probably causes the thread to break.
I wonder if Hyperkitty is able to leverage some other method to combine the thread correctly in this case?
"Good" and "bad" message examples are in the attachment.
Best regards, Danil Smirnov