Saurabh Singhal writes:
It would be a pleasure to work with the mailman team and if possible please let me know from where I should start.
Start here:
and here for recent lists of projects we considered doable in two months by a single, often new to Mailman, developer:
http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Google+Summer+of+Code+2014 http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Google+Summer+of+Code+2013
Before starting work on any of the GSoC projects, check if work has already been done on them. Ask here, or if you really prefer to do it yourself, you can browse the related branches at
Note that the wiki is changing platforms in the *very* near future. There will be an announcement here, I'm sure, but due to this your wiki credentials may suddenly stop working. The problem is simply that it's not possible to move the password database; any profile you create on the existing wiki will be moved to the new one automatically. You just have to reregister a password.