On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 13:06 +0100, Adam McGreggor wrote:
On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 05:26:21PM +0200, Bernd 'Siggy' Brentrup wrote:
You might contribute some shell scripts simulating old behavior, a Debian package would then ask an additional debconf question whether to install these compatibility scripts or not.
I'll see what comes out, before committing to write scripts for Debian &c. I've been known to whine about 'Debian policy': some Debianistic traits annoy me (having came to Debian via BSD).
I'm using Debian here only as a reference for a packaging system that I happen to be most acquainted with. You may read Ubuntu, RH or whatever you like.
Don't ask me about 'Debian Policy' as long as I am waiting for DAM to reopen my account bsb@d.o, I might be forced to lie like a trooper before I have a vote again :)
Regards Siggy
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