At 11:18 PM -0500 2003/10/29, Barry Warsaw wrote:
Just to be dense, let me ask for clarification: by "message body" you mean the entire original message, as received on the wire, not just the message payload (i.e. sans RFC 2822 headers). If so, I agree completely.
Yes, you are correct. At issue is that there might be some
headers which some users might wish to search on (or maybe just see) which might not be put into one or more of the fields, and you don't want to take the risk of losing those by assuming that you can always re-generate all the headers from what you've stored inside the database.
But I also think the decoded message should be stored on the file system somehow as well. I.e. decode attachments and store then as separate files too.
My experience is that this is a bad idea. However, if the
implementation is fully modularized at the API level, then we can always rip out the mailman solution and instead put in something that actually works.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
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