Hey Barry! I'm a few days late to respond to this, but I just wanted to let you know I found this immensely useful, and my footer looks just like how I want it to be :)
We are using Mailman 3 in production in a corporate environment. I'm willing to deal with the re-structuring of Mailman when 3.1 comes around :)
Thanks again Barry.
On 02/26/2016 07:24 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Feb 25, 2016, at 02:36 PM, treal tv wrote:
I'm looking to modify the contents of this footer so it says something slightly different. However, I can't find anywhere with Mailman 3 to change anything about the footer. I'll describe what you have today, but it's likely the exact details will change at some point (maybe for 3.1 if my ideas pan out). Still, how it works today still contains the basic scheme for how I want it to work in the future.
The thing to remember is that while Core needs to send out emails with various templates, it can't make any assumptions about what is on the web front-end, so text like footers can't contain URLs and such by default. Yes, this is a bit of a mess right now because you'll still see substitutions like $listinfo_url in some templates, even though these can't be correctly filled in.
So there are two parts to this answer. The first is finding the template to use for the footer[*], and then filling in all the placeholders.
You've found the footer-generic.txt template, but how is this used? Every mailing list currently has an attribute called
, and this is set in the list style. I've previously described how style works so I won't go down that detour here. Suffice to say that the default style sets footer_uri tomailman:///$listname/$language/footer-generic.txt
.Notice two things about this uri.
- It has a
scheme.- It has some $-placeholders.
What happens is that in the decorate handler, when the footer is put on the outgoing message, we first substitute some useful information into the uri's placeholders. The values should be obvious: $listname gets the fqdn_listname value and $language gets the preferred_language.code. So for mailing list alpha@example.com using Italian as its preferred language, the footer_uri gets transformed into mailman:///alpha@example.com/it/footer-generic.txt.
Now we start to look that up. Of course, if the scheme were http: or https:, we'd just issue a request to that url and use whatever we find. The intent is that in Postorius or some other CMS or web resource repository, you'd be able to define a custom template appropriate for your site. You'd set the list's footer_uri to something like https://my.cms.example.com/footer.txt and since there are no placeholders, Mailman just grabs the text at that url and viola! you've got your footer. Supporting the placeholders allows your CMS to provide different footers for different lists, and of course you'll want to provide different footers for different human languages.
But okay, now we have mailman:///alpha@example.com/it/footer-generic.txt and we have to look that up. What are the rules for mailman: urls?
mailman: urls are shorthand for internal resources, homed in the source code directory on the file system. The search order is well documented, but not easily discovered so here's the documentation:
You can see how there's a search hierarchy, such that if you only want a single template for all your lists on the site, you can define it once on the file system, and Mailman will just find that one. Similarly, you could have a template that applies to all lists within the same domain, or have list specific templates. So, bottom line is, drop a file in the template_dir defined in your mailman.cfg and set your list's footer_uri to a mailman: url that points here, and Bob's your uncle.
Now the second step alluded to earlier. Once you've located the template, the template *itself* can have substitution placeholders, and for message headers and footers (i.e. message decorations) they get filled in here:
So you can see how your template can contain information about the mailing list's name, hostname, description, etc.
comes into play (or at least *should* <wink>) when messages are personalized, such that some information specific to the user could be added, e.g. their unsubscribe link. This may not be fully plumbed out right now though.Briefly then, how will this be different in the future? I'm still working out the design, but roughly, there will be a new ITemplateManager that holds mappings between template names, a context (e.g. mailing list, domain, or site), URIs, and "resource dictionaries". This ITemplateManager would be a top-level REST resource so Postorius and other REST clients could directly manipulate these mappings.
Then you'd be able to say, through REST, "set the footer template, for all mailing lists on example.com, to https://my.cms.example.com/footer.txt`. When needed, the core delivery engine would then ask the template manager for the contents of the footer template for a given mailing list, and it would get back a bunch of text (appropriately cached, with various cache management knobs for efficiency). Mailman would then fill in substitution variables in this footer template as before, but it would *also* do a query for the "resource dictionary" which would be e.g. a JSON mapping keys to values. This would then let your CMS also define additional bits of data to shove into the footer when it gets sent out.
Cheers, -Barry
[*] and when you read "footer", think "just about any template eventually".
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