On Jul 19, 2013, at 01:15 AM, Paul Boddie wrote:
Once again, I've had some time to push the wiki migration along. As always, the results can be found here:
I've updated the archived content to that of 16th July, so the translated content should reflect the existing wiki fairly accurately.
Thanks very much for continuing to work on this Paul. I think it's looking great and I'd love to start coming up with a plan to migrate officially. Input from top wiki editors is key, so perhaps Mark, Terri, Steve and others can chime in. I can tell you though that my motivation to garden the current wiki is pretty low, and I think I'd be more motivated to clean it up after the Moin migration. If the other wiki editors feel the same way, then we should seize the opportunity to get the migration started.
What features are missing from Moin that would prevent us from migrating, or make it more painful than staying with Confluence for now?
But the solution above may be good enough: it just creates an account for each existing user and employs the same username, full name (or alias) and e-mail address, and sets a random password. It also obtains the URL of any profile picture, with these user details obtained by scraping the home page of each user on the existing wiki. How people then log into their accounts is something we can decide: e-mailing the random password is not exactly secure, but they could reset their account in the MoinMoin interface instead (which involves a reset e-mail that isn't too secure either, but it's the slightly better choice).
I'm happy with just asking everyone to reset their password. We can't do it on the demo site because email is disabled currently.
What can we do about setting up the ACLs for editing? I'm happy if we start by enabling a small group to start with and having folks who want to edit pages re-request enabling their editing permissions.
One thing we also discussed were the redirects that occur for "tiny URLs" and where page identifiers are employed. For example:
http://mmwiki.boddie.org.uk/x/AgA3 http://mmwiki.boddie.org.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3604482
A mapping of page identifiers is extracted from the exported data, and this mapping is used to support a simple redirection script that looks up the appropriate page name and redirects to that page. One thing it does not yet do is to redirect to a specific revision, however.
I think that's fine. I don't mind if redirects to anything other than the latest revision is enabled. Mark might disagree.
I guess we won't be able to use tiny urls after the migration though, right?
I always provide a list of things that still need doing, so here are some familiar items:
The way comments are presented on pages still needs improving. I may write a macro to include the comment pages in a nicer way and maybe even to allow new comments to be added. Meanwhile, the comment pages should now only be editable by their original authors (by applying ACLs).
It might also be nice to have a list of attachments on pages that have them, and I will take a look to see how Confluence tends to present such things.
User home pages should probably be populated and have things like profile images (if provided), activity indicators, and maybe the dashboard functionality should be emulated, too.
Would this work be better tackled before an official migration or can some of these things be done after the fact?
I hope this is of interest!
It *is*, very much so. Thanks again!