Ian Eiloart writes:
No, that's not true. I have about 10,000 users here.
Interesting. I bet we're talking hundreds of thousands of users, just with the three or four of you medium-to-large-site admins that have posted so far. At a penny per user, I'm sure you could find somebody to do this work. I know I would do it (but you surely could find somebody cheaper and better-qualified ;-).
decentralized. It is designed to allow load-sharing by use of intermediate and/or secondary MXes to handle primary crashes or overloads.
Yes, but they need to have equal access to user databases.
I ask, where are these requirements written? I've been reading the Mailman lists for years. I know that you guys want the autoresponders configurable. However, often enough they've been presented as YAGNI, not a bug, and this is the first time I've heard a demand that they be shut off by default. Obviously you guys hang out together in some Big Site Cabal, but what is common knowledge to you is not necessarily something that volunteer part-time developers are going to have easy access to.
BTW, that's not how I understand a secondary as a practical matter. Effectively, that is a distributed primary. (I bet your "secondary" MXes deliver directly to user mailboxes, which are a shared resource like the user database. No?) Among other things, for most small- scale operations, the user database lives on the same host as the primary's MTA. If it is down, then under that requirement so are any secondaries.