On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 09:50, Stefan Michalowski wrote:
I'm guessing that the 3.0 release will need a rewrite of the translations anyway, but what is the status of this release? Is it worth working on the 2.1.x templates or will the 2.1.x be obsolete very soon.
Personally, I don't think it's worth working on the 2.1 HTML. I don't think 3.0 will be out any time soon, although I would love to see some alphas and perhaps a beta by the end of this year.
I also noticed that there is a 2.2 release in the works. When will this release be ready? Would it be better to rewrite the templates for that release?
While I haven't completely written off a 2.2, given the current level of resources I have to throw at things, 2.2 isn't a reality. I'm trying to concentrate on solidifying 2.1 and getting 3.0 to a reasonable state.
I'm very seriously considering using ZPT as the out-of-the-box templating language for MM3. It supports i18n which is a huge plus. In that case, I will definitely want help in making MM3's HTML not only standards conformant, but nice and pretty too. CSS will be acceptable, and my natural resistance to JavaScript is decaying (/if/ MM3's interface can be made to degrade gracefully when JS is turned off).