On Sat, Dec 05, 2015 at 01:28:55PM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
On 2015-12-05 10:21 AM, Adam McGreggor wrote:
On Sat, Dec 05, 2015 at 01:10:10AM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
How does moving bugs work in gitlab? I haven't had to do it yet.
Or even linking to issues raised in other repos…?
Actually, the "what component am I using?" is a problem in a few places. Maybe something more extensive on the front page explaining the projects and then on all the other pages we can say things like "HyperKitty web archiver" and link to the docs for more explanation.
I've grown rather partial to foo-meta repos, purely for bug reports, design spec, common docs for whole projects with multiple components; admitedly, I'm more used to using GitHub and linking to issues raised in meta in components (but meh, FSF dogma/policy…)
- Get Mailman
- Links to source code and install guides, high level description of what to do.
Possibly also things like packages.debian.org/mailman etc; homebrew; I would expect that most people will install with their package manager, despite what 'we' might prefer.
We've never bothered to link all the various packages for various distros before, but I do think we might need some explanation here if it turns out there's a lot of different names for the suite packages.
There is that, too, yes…
I know we have some rpms, but does anyone have those actually in a distro yet that we could point at? In my experience, pointing at packages not in distro upstream isn't any better for many admins than PyPI is.
~My~ preference for installing stuff is: - disto repos (incl. backports) - semi-official repos (e.g. ppas, vendor's repos) - cpan/pypi/gems - build from source
Others might throw in things like Docker at the top, but I'm unimpressed with Docker.
- Help and Documentation Link to the hot topics (dmarc, install, what ever's currently getting the most hits in a given period)?
Ooh, good idea. Wonder if we can automate this from wiki hits?
Or indeed, the analytics (which I'm guessing we have, but CBA'd checking).
Probably fine to just choose a couple manually, though; they don't tend to change that rapidly.
Larry's Laziness, Impatience, Hubris springs to mind here…
- How to Contribute
- new contributors guide here, prefaced by the basic source/gitlab links
Avoid duplication here, maybe, and just link to the Sphinx/RTD pages? Fairly sure I've seen a CONTRIBUTE file, somewhere. Maybe also link to coding standards (I think these are unified for the various components).
We do somewhere have a CONTRIBUTE file, but if I recall correctly, it's clear to experienced open source contributors but not so useful to folk for whom mailman is their first project who'll need more extensive links to resources and answers to common questions.
Ah yes, My First Open Source Project…
Since we get a lot of GSoC student aspirants and folk who meet one of us and think "these seem like nice people, maybe I'll make my first open source contribution with them," I think there's good reason to have something a bit more extensive than the existing CONTRIBUTE stuff.
I imagine there's content that's available already, too, for My First Project, for some reason, I'm thinking it's the sort of thing Mozilla will have done a fair few iterations on (and will be nicely licensed).
That said, this new-contributors document might be just as well placed in the wiki so all community members can update it more easily.
Maybe it's just me, but the Wiki doesn't look that user-friendly as it currently stands.
Thoughts on better ways to set this up? Other suggestions of things people often want out of our website?
Do ordinary folk want to find "where can i get one of these set-up for me" -- the vendors/hosting list, perhaps -- although maybe with some sort of ratings thing (and a last updated / which versions).
Yes! We have a page on the wiki for hosting services to add themselves and we should link it. I don't think we have resources to maintain ratings or version info, but if you're interested in doing that, I think people would find it useful. I assume this should be linked in the "Get Mailman" section?
It'd be useful to run a linkchecker, at least…