April 4, 2002
9:09 p.m.
"GK" == Georg Koch <gorg@sun31.imbi.uni-freiburg.de> writes:
GK> I am trying to update from 2.1a2 to 2.1b1 (on a SUN Sparc
GK> Solaris7 machine), unfortunately with some hundreds of users
GK> waiting. When I updated python from 1.5.2 to 2.2.1c1, mailman
GK> 2.1a2 broke immediately with "ImportError: No module named
GK> mimelib.Parser".
Not surprising. Until recently, the email package was installed in your Python's site-library, which changes with each Python version. MM2.1b1 fixes this.
GK> The installation of 2.1b1 abended in the
GK> Makefile of the bin subdirectory with a syntax error on
| for f in $(NONSCRIPTS); \
| do \
| done; \
| fi
GK> because "NONSCRIPTS= ". After I commented these lines out the
GK> installation continued but stopped in bin/update with the line
Fixed in CVS.
GK> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
GK> '/h/mailman/lists/test/config.pck'
GK> because the configuration is stored as config.db.
GK> How do I convert the config.db to config.pck ?
You don't. While the error message is misleading, your config.db file will be automatically updated to config.pck the first time you load your list (via web, qrunner, or command line script).