June 19, 2014
4:49 p.m.
I have pushed r59 (In fact, 2 days before) which adds commands to perform the following actions
Add moderators
./mmclient add-moderator list list@domain.org --user a@b.com b@c.com d@e.com
Add owners
./mmclient add-owner list list@domain.org --user a@b.com b@c.com d@e.com
Remove Moderator
./mmclient remove-moderator list list@domain.org --user a@b.com b@c.com d@e.com
Remove Owner
./mmclient remove-owner list list@domain.org --user a@b.com b@c.com d@e.com
All the above commands support an extra --quiet flag to suppress the action feedback message.