I'm currently using Mailman 2.1.4, and currently, there are several problems with Mailman's implementation of virtual hosting:
(a) List names aren't unique across virtual domains, domain1.com cannot have a list called 'test' if domain2.com has a list called 'test'
On a large installation this is a real problem, and the only real way around it is to run multiple installations of Mailman - one for each site. This is pretty impractical if there are many, many virtual domains.
(b) Linked to the above, the problem I've been having is that Mailman has one site password and one list administrators password for *all* virtual domains, (there are no 'domain administrators' who have add/delete privileges for lists *only* for their own domain). If someone knows the list admin password, they can create and delete lists not only for their own site, but on all the other virtual domains as well.
Currently, I'm having to hack Mailman in order to have a separate password for each virtual domain, which still doesn't solve the problem of unique list names.
I love Mailman a whole lot, but I'm having to look at other solutions, mainly because I'm heavily limited on time right now. Are there any plans to improve on the current support for virtual domains anytime soon?
Thanks in advance,
-- -jamie <jamie@silverdream.org> w: http://silverdream.org | p: sms@silverdream.org pgp key @ http://silverdream.org/~jps/pub.key 20:30:01 up 23:57, 5 users, load average: 0.44, 0.21, 0.12