Dec. 4, 2002
11:28 a.m.
"GW" == Greg Ward <> writes:
GW> Andrew said that renaming away the existing HTML archive did
GW> the trick -- I'll do that, but I don't like making the
GW> archives for this list unavailable even for a few minutes.
GW> (It takes a while to generate the whole archive, which goes
GW> back to 1994.) Or should I "cvs up" instead, ie. has this bug
GW> been fixed?
Greg, I believe this bug is fixed in cvs, so I'd recommend cvs up'ing. However, if any new messages arrived while you were running 2.1b4 then you should also run b4b5-archfix after up'ing.
If, after all that you still get this exception, I wanna know about it.