I'm curious about the status and priority of two features which, as far as I know, have yet to be implemented in Mailman.
External user database. I'm sure you're all aware of the desire of some folks to have this. I found a Wiki document somewhere on the zope.org site that had discussions on this but I believe it was somewhat dated. Have any conclusions been reached with respect to the direction here? I think I read talk of a Zope-specific solution. I'm wondering if this means that we're likely never to see a Mailman that can talk to a MySQL database. I believe this one feature alone would elevate Mailman significantly. How hgh of a priority is this to the development team and what is the status? Are there current discussions on this somewhere other than the list (wiki boards, chats, what-have-you) , and if so, may I take part?
Moderated-edit. I'm running Mailman on a couple of boxes but I also have a few hundred lists on a box running Lyris. I want to move them but one of the deal breakers at the moment is moderated-edit - the ability of a moderator to edit a message before it goes out. I personally don't use this feature for the lists I am the admin of but this seems to be a very important feature to some. An absolute must, in fact. I'm wonderig if this is in the cards, is it high on the priority list, should we expect to see it soon?
I understand this is a non-paying gig for Barry and others, and I understand there are likely a ton of other items to deal with. But knowing what the priority and status of these two items are would give me a realistic idea of when I might be able to drop the oh-so-commercial Lyris.
Finally, I'm not a Python programmer (yet), mostly Perl and PHP. But if I can help the cause in non-Python coding ways let me know.
Thanks, Kevin