At 4:24 PM -0700 2004-09-30, Rob Lanphier wrote:
Anyway, one thing that my users are constantly clamoring for is features that would come from tighter integration between GForge and Mailman. I've been mulling this over for a while, and it seems that deep integration is limited by the way that most Mailman data is stored in pickles. Since GForge is coded and pretty heavily bound to PHP.
See <>. In particular:
Mailman uses an inefficient persistency system based on
Python pickles, and every mailing list has its own pickled
state. This has several disadvantages, including poor
scalability, difficulty in doing cross-mailing list
operations, and the virtual host limitation on list names.
Mailman 3.0 will use a real database, perhaps based on ZODB
or BerkeleyDB. Again, the goal is to generalize the
interface to the backend database so that others can be
used, but choose one and ship it by default.
I'm wondering if there are recommendations from this group. I'm also wondering if there have been any movements/efforts in any of these directions already.
This is one of many problems that I plan to work on over time, and plan to contribute patches to the extent that they are useful to a larger community. If I'm lucky, I'll get budget to hire developers for this, but for now, I'll be doing this on the cheap.
You could funnel your work into Mailman3, and if you could get
some budget to make that happen, then the project will be able to be shipped that much faster.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
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