On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 11:13, JC Dill wrote:
Right now, I would suggest being patient. I suggest you give it a week for Barry and the other key developers to to find the time to start looking at new code after they dig out from their present schedule overload caused by the recent security incident.
Right now, I am focusing what spare time I have on getting 2.1.6 out the door. Tokio has been a lifesaver for this release, and I think he's primarily focused on the same thing. Once 2.1.6 is out, I would like to have a longer discussion on where we go next.
I don't know what Brad's key focus is on this list, but I can share with you that *I* am not a developer in that I don't write code. My role here is that I help in a product management type role, helping prioritize, helping define, helping with documentation (FAQ entries etc.), enter feature requests, etc. And I help with the day-to-day management of the mailman -users and -dev mailing lists so that the key developers can focus their time on code instead of running the lists.
Sometimes when we have list management related email threads it takes the key developers more than a week to chime in on something too....
Trust me, work like this is greatly appreciated. Just so everyone knows, you don't have to be writing code to help move the Mailman project out. JC, Brad, Chuq, Terri, and others have been an incredible help.