On Dec 26, 2014, at 08:48 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
On Fri, 26 Dec 2014, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
This also means that mailman 3 will pretty much only not work on server-oriented distro (except probably Debian that likely ships a python 3 version, although not being involved in Debian, I do not know for sure).
It looks like the latest Fedora has Python 3.4, though I'm not sure what version is available in the latest RedHat. Don't RH/Fedora users have something called Software Collections that can provide Python 3.4 even on older versions?
Debian Wheezy(aka Stable) ships Python3, but it's Python 3.2.3, and IIRC, Barry said Mailman3 now needs Python 3.4 in order to be fully supported.
FWIW, Debian Jessy (aka Testing/Frozen?) has Python 3.4.2.
Yep, Jessie will have 3.4, and Ubuntu has had it since Trusty Tahr (14.04 LTS). I don't know about other distros.
There's always an intricate version dance we play, but I really think 3.4 is the best base Python version to support. I would be open to merge proposals that help make it possible to run MM3 on older versions of Python 3 (but for sure nothing before 3.2), however everything that I run already has 3.4. Python 3.4 is 9 months old now and has seen two point releases, so while it make take some time for some distros to catch up, I think the release is plenty mature to use as a baseline.
Cheers, -Barry